Sunday, September 6, 2009

how to prolong mobile phone battery life

How To Prolong Mobile Phone Battery Life
Your mobile phone battery life is very important. This is because you want to constantly know that you can count on it to make urgent calls and communicate without dreading whether your battery is dead. However, you do not have to worry about your phone dying if you take the following tips. They are tips to ensure that you prolong your mobile phone battery life. This way, you can always be assured that you will count on it when need be. The following steps will help increase the time between charges. First, you need to turn off your phone hen you are not planning to use it.

How To Increase The Life Of Your Phone

There are certain hours that you do not need to use it and a good example is when you are going to bed. If you do not have to use it, turn it off. This way, you will conserve the charge and this will lead to extended life for the battery charge. Apart from turning phones off, you can increase mobile phone battery life buy not straining your phone by looking for networks. Your phone is wired to look for the best connection no matter where you are and you should not push it. This is also another good step to increase your mobile phone battery life. Also, before you buy mobile phone battery, you need to be sure of the quality and technology.

This is because certain batteries will not have the right capacity to serve you as you need. Another thing to do regarding increasing your mobile phone battery life is switching off the vibration option in your phone. There are many who enjoy vibrations but they will just use up your charge and leave your phone without the power it needs. Since vibrations are not necessary stick to ringing and you will see your mobile phone battery life increase dramatically.

Also, you need to avoid using other unnecessary features in your phone so that you can increase mobile phone battery life. For example, if you do not need the camera or radio functions, use them occasionally because they will tend to use a lot of power which you need to conserve to prolong the overall mobile phone battery life. Backlights should also be kept off and this will not just save the power but will also help you read the screen better. There are so many other things you can do to preserve the life but with the above basics, you should expects a longer life for your battery.

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